Flower Bouquet 3D Gift Review

(13 customer reviews)


Gift a Flower Bouquet 3D and watch a garden unfold in your hands. This eco-friendly, vibrant surprise stands tall and personal, perfect for any last-minute occasion.


Oh, because nothing screams “I care” quite like a card that springs to life, right? Gift the ultimate surprise with a pop-up Flower Bouquet 3D — it’s not just a card, it’s a botanical explosion in your hands. Perfect for every occasion that you probably forgot until the last minute.

These giant pop-up cards are so big, they practically double as furniture. And don’t worry, there’s a blank card included, because nothing says personal like writing your own message.

The high-quality paper ensures that these cards will outlast your fleeting affections, and the vibrant colors are sure to distract from the lack of actual flowers.

And for birthdays? Forget cake, give them a card that pops. It’s suitable for anyone you vaguely remember is related to you or teaches your kids.

Lastly, pat yourself on the back because these eco-friendly gifts are saving the planet one percent at a time. Plus, they last longer than your average bouquet, just like your guilt for only sending a card.

What about Flower Bouquet 3D?

  • Versatile Gift: Ideal for birthdays, friendships, and various occasions.
  • Large Size: Stands 12 inches tall, with a vase and space for a personal message.
  • Vibrant Design: High-quality paper with whimsical, colorful designs.
  • For Everyone: Suitable for family, friends, and educators, regardless of gender.
  • Eco-Conscious: Recyclable material, with a tree planted for each sale.



Product Dimensions

‎10.25"D x 12"W x 0.15"H

IndoorOutdoor Usage

‎Outdoor, Indoor

Package Information



‎Birthday, Sympathy, Thank You, Anniversary

Number of Items

Item Weight

Special Feature


Included Components


Item Package Quantity


Unit Count

‎1 Count







Item model number


Material Type



‎thank you

Manufacturer Part Number


13 reviews for Flower Bouquet 3D Gift Review

  1. blank

    Lily Bella

    This was a great card to give as a Mother’s Day card. It was easy to pop up. Just wish the instructions were not on the base of the card itself. Over all great card/gift. Long lasting and cute to place anywhere around the house

  2. blank


    Lovely cards, well made and packaged. Unique gift as the bouquet just keeps on giving!

  3. blank


    I bought one of these for my daughter for Mother’s Day. It was so beautiful. I was really impressed. I also bought a different one for my daughter’s girlfriend who just got married. It was so beautiful,as well. I will definitely be purchasing these in the future. They are beautiful and very unique. Perfect as a small gift for any occasion.

  4. blank


    I used it as a birthday card but it would have many uses – thank you – anniversary – congratulation’s – get well etc.,
    It comes with a small matching blank card so easy to customize to the occasion.

  5. blank


    I was visiting a friend in another city and saw one like this on the dining room table. I loved it and bought one for myself as soon as i returned home. I have it on the top shelf if a medium sized shelving unit where it brightens up the whole area. And I never have to water it!

  6. blank


    My 87 year old mother loved this card for Mother’s Day. It was easy to pop open and had a small card included. I also saved the large sturdy envelope that came with the card to use at a later date for something else. Mom sat the card on the bar and it has been there for several weeks. It looks stylish and tasteful. The price was not too bad either, compared to other nice cards. It is a unique gift, which I really like.

  7. blank


    Great substitute gift for individuals with allergies who aren’t able to have real flower – lovely sentiment that truly looks quite beautiful and lasts a lifetime. It was a hit!

  8. blank


    This is a beautiful card. It was a hit for Administrative Professionals Day. Also used for Mother’s Day & my mom loved them.

  9. blank

    Kelly B

    I purchased this for a loved one who was in the hospital with COVID and pneumonia so… no flowers allowed there. These were the perfect solution and the recipient was thrilled. They are surprisingly life like, pop open easily, can be folded back down, come with a gift card and are a real size of a bouquet of flowers. There were a lot of flower varieties in different pots to choose from. I highly recommend!

  10. blank

    annette cowley

    The details are amazing, really impressed. Its a little wobbly when standing but hardly an issue, its stable enough. Keep in mind the listing pictures are a lot bigger than the actual product however! Still a good size though and you honestly get what you pay for. Highly recommend.

  11. blank

    Lily Bella

    Love these. I bought three for Mother’s Day cards as I thought they were so neat and different. They are even better in person; vibrant and realistic! Worth it in my opinion especially given that so many regular cards are $7+ these days!

  12. blank

    Valerie Diane

    These papers flowers make such a nice gift. They look realistic from far away. Best part…you don’t need to water and they never die! They make a thoughtful gift for anyone that needs something to brighten their day.

  13. blank


    Purchased this arrangement as a 21st birthday card for my granddaughter. It was an instant success! Easy to tease into its 3-D presentation. A cheerful, beautiful reminder of spring flowers that aren’t going anywhere–except from room to room as the mood strikes! I see the “Freshcut English Daffodils” are still a favorite even two months later.

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